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Quaker Valley Athletics

Quaker Valley School District - Home of the Quakers


Quaker Valley Athletics

Quaker Valley School District - Home of the Quakers

Quaker Valley Athletics

Quaker Valley School District - Home of the Quakers

Quaker Valley Athletics

Quaker Valley School District - Home of the Quakers

Eligibility & Policies

Eligibility & Policies

Age Limits
There is an age limit on interscholastic competition. You may not have reached your 19th birthday by June 30 immediately preceding the school year, or your 15th birthday where competition occurs in grades 7 and 8.

No Physical - No Practice
Every student athlete must have a physician's certificate and parent's or guardian's certificate signed by a licensed physician and the parent or guardian before that student is eligible for practice or competition. NO STUDENT MAY PRACTICE OR COMPETE UNTIL THEY HAVE FULFILLED THIS REQUIREMENT.

Zero Tolerance Policy
Every student-athlete and their parent or guardian must have signed a Zero Tolerance statement. These signatures are required by school board policy to verify that students and parents are aware of the district's drug and alcohol policy.
Zero Tolerance Form

Any student participating in a co-curricular activity must attend school for a minimum half-day session in order to participate in the co-curricular activity for that day. State attendance policy recognizes 9:30 a.m. as the half-day cut off for attendance purposes.

Other Eligibility Requirements

  • The student athlete must pursue a curriculum defined and approved by the principal as a full-time curriculum.
  • The student athlete must be passing at least four (4) full credit subjects or the equivalent thereof as of each Friday during a grading period. Academic eligibility is defined as maintaining an acceptable grade as certified by the principal in a minimum of four full credit subjects. Eligibility shall be cumulative from the beginning of a grading period and reported on a weekly basis. Back work may be made up provided it is done in accordance with the regular rules of the school.
  • The student athlete must have passed at least four (4) full credit subjects or the equivalent thereof during the previous grading period. Eligibility for the first grading period is based on final grades for the preceding school year. Failure to meet this requirement will result in loss of a student's eligibility for the first ten (10) school days of the next grading period beginning on the first day report cards are issued.
  • A student shall be ineligible if he or she has been in attendance more than eight (8) semesters beyond the eighth grade, or played four seasons beyond the eighth grade in any one form of interscholastic athletics. Hardship cases may result in an exception to this rule.